
John Mayer Sunglasses

What do you think about these super snazzy sunglasses worn by none other than John Mayer?

These sunglasses are made by Oakley and the style is named Frogskin.

I don't know about you, but these sunglasses kinda remind me of something a skater or a cross breed mod punk might wear.

John Mayer Birthday

Did you know that John Mayer's birthday is October 16th and his was born in 1977, Bridgeport, Connecticut.

I find it hard to believe that John Mayer is 32 years old, i guess he is just young at heart, seems like hes 25.

Don't forget to wish him a happy birthday on twitter.


John Mayer Height

Must people don't realize exactly how tall John Mayer really is, and neither did i until i recently stumbled upon the answer, while browsing online.

John Mayer is said to be 6 feet 3 inches.


John Mayer Tattoos

John Mayer really loves tattoo designs!

He has two complete sleeves on his arms, containing numerous Japanese tattoo designs, including mostly flowers and fish.

Enjoy these pictures of John Mayer and his many tattoos.


Handsome John Mayer Photos

John Mayer seen walking the streets with backpack on in this photo.
Sexy John Mayer photo in nice black suit.
Great black and white photo of John Mayer.